I voted today. And I am praying each person did their duty as an American citizen and voted. I was just reading some blogs and thought I needed to voice my opinion about this election and some of the issues. I want people to know that honestly neither one of these candidates are great. They are both socialists technically. I mean they both signed for this 700 billion dollar bailout plan -- that is nothing more than pure socialism!!! But the difference between them is John McCain is a Patriot -- he has fought for our country and will continue to fight for our safety as a nation. Unfortunately, Obama is friends with people that would love to sell our country off to places that would love to see our country fall. He is friends with men who are proud to say they hate our country -- how can you be friends with people like this?? So, for that, how could you vote for someone who is okay being friends with people like this?? That I cannot understand. I heard something yesterday that was pretty good -- with the associations that Obama has, he could not have gotten any job with high security clearance (FBI, CIA, etc.) but he can become the next President? the next Commander-in-Chief?? WOW!!
About some of the issues:
I think it is one thing to help people out till they can get back on their feet. But usually that is not the case. Most people that are on welfare have been on welfare for their whole life -- that is the only way they know -- their parents were on it -- their grandparents were on it. They don't know any different. They have never even tried to make a life for themselves. The Bible says "if a man shall not work, neither shall he eat." Sorry but I don't feel sorry for people that have no initiative to get off their butt and try to work to feed their children. That may sound harsh but it's true. I'm not working hard so I can feed other people's families -- I'm working hard so I can feed my family!!! Government was NOT put in place to feed people -- it's purpose is to protect the people from outside harm. It is the place of people to help out other people less fortunate. The Bible talks about that too -- helping out the widows and others in need. If people would do their part, Government wouldn't have to. But since Government is taking our money and giving to whoever they want it makes people not want to give anymore. So, it has had an adverse effect on the way it should be.
Health Care:
Is health care a right or a privilege? Back to the welfare thing. Government should not be involved in health care. I also don't think we need insurance programs. Insurance has made prices of health care sky rocket -- the free enterprise system that America was established on is gone from the health care system. If it was given back to the private sector prices would drop drastically and everyone would be able to afford it for themselves. Think about it -- if you got rid of all the insurance paperwork, insurance fraud, etc. -- that alone would bring prices down. Less work and less money spent. There was a show on 20/20 awhile ago showing universal health care, insurance run health care, and private sector health care. It was AMAZING how health care run in a private sector was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO much more affordable and so much better all around. Doctors would then be competitive and that makes prices come down. And they showed countries that have universal health care -- it is NOT better -- you are on a waiting list for MONTHS to see a doctor. People in Canada come to America for surgeries because they can get them done sooner here. The military health care here in America is Government funded -- and let me tell you it is not better. All I ever hear from military families is how they hate going to the military hospital for anything -- it is always a mess. What does that say for "great" universal health care?? Not much! I don't want that!
Iraq war:
At this point the debate about if we should have gone to war with Iraq is not a question. It doesn't matter -- we went -- now we HAVE to finish it. If we don't, that war will become greater than we can even imagine!! Iran is right next door -- they will move in -- take over Iraq and then we are in a worse place than before the war. They HAVE weapons of mass destruction and they will use them. Again going back to the people Obama associates with -- they hate America and would love to see our great land destroyed. So, think where that will lead us. I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad this war has not been fought on our land -- but if we leave there, it very well could be on our land next. So, we have to finish. And Obama making a promise to get out of there -- he can't promise that -- he's not president yet. He will see what is really going on there if he is our next president and THEN he will have to decide -- and I think he will see we do need to finish (that is if he really wants to protect our country). And someone said we are headed for another Vietnam -- do your research -- Vietnam was lost because politicians in Washington were running that war instead of our Generals who are trained to run a war. Let the military do it's job -- Congress has no clue how to run a war -- they hardly no how to run the congress sometimes! If we let our great military do it's job and stop politicizing everything we could have this done soon and our men can come home. But if we leave now it will not be better later!
I did think of our country and what's best for it when voting today and I pray daily for our country. We need God back in our country and in the lives of our citizens. There is so much morally and spiritually wrong in our country today -- people don't even know the difference between good and evil -- the Bible says in the last days "they will call good evil and evil good" and that is surely the case today. Christians "look up - your redemption draweth nigh!"
Amen and amen! :o)
Okay....well I am proud to stand behind President Elect Obama and all he stands for.
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