Monday, September 15, 2008

Survived Hurricane!

My Grandpa and Aunt made it through Hurricane Ike. Sounds like they didn't get alot of damage -- not even any major flooding. So, that is an answer to prayer. The police did come Friday night and made my Grandpa leave his business (he lives at his rental store) and took him to a shelter. So, my mom was relieved when she got the call that he was in a safe place. But he is now back at his store and they have no power so he is now coping with that -- and if anyone has been to Houston they know it is VERY hot down there. So, I can't imagine what it must be like with no air conditioning. But thank you all for your prayers for them and I'm thankful they are doing good!


Albanie said...

I'm glad they are ok! I've been watching stuff here and there on it and hope things start looking brighter!

JTScraps17 said...

I was just wondering if you had heard anything. I'm glad they are ok!