Monday, August 4, 2008

My "Surprise" Party!

So, here's the end of the Surprise Party story....

The party was at a nice Italian Restaurant here and Jason had invited several of our friends to come. It was semi-formal so everyone was dressed nice. It was really a special night. The dinner was awesome and the service was great too. I really love going out, dressing up, and having a nice dinner. Jason knew exactly what I would enjoy. He also had a cake made and took it to the restaurant -- so that was a surprise to me. So, let me just say my husband definitely made this a VERY special birthday and also made turning 30 not so bad after all. So, even though I found out about it -- it was still a great night!!

1 comment:

Albanie said...

What a sweet husband! I'm glad you had a great night! You look so cute for you b-day too! Happy B-day!