Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Mom of a TWO YEAR OLD!!! Aaaaaah!!!

So, Isaac turned 2 yesterday -- it is really crazy that my baby is two years old. I still feel like I just had him. Time goes by faster and faster every day. I know I'm starting to sound like an old person -- I guess I am though -- I'm 30!! Well, we kept telling Isaac yesterday "You're 2 today -- it's your birthday!". He didn't seem to quite understand -- I would ask him "how old are you?". He would reply "Isaac". I would tell him "two" then ask him again "how old are you?" -- "Isaac". So, we are going to have to work on him knowing his age -- he definitely has his name down!! We are having his party on Saturday so I will post pictures after the party.


JTScraps17 said...

I can't believe he is two either. WOW! That went by too fast. Tell Isgic that Ally says "Happy Birthday"!

Arlene said...

Did you cry? I cried a little when Caleb turned one... I'm afraid I'll be a basket-case by the time he graduates high school! LOL

Albanie said...

I know exactly how you feel! Sometimes I look at my kids and I'm like "Who are these little things that follow me around all the time! I'm still cool and single!" :)