Saturday, December 6, 2008

Update on Dagen...

Just want you to know that we didn't put Dagen to sleep. Jason took him to the vet today and they want to try steroids one more time. So, we have to give him those and then keep him in his kennel almost all the time for the next couple of weeks to see if just some rest with the meds will help him. So, I'm thankful he will be with us for awhile longer BUT I hope this isn't just prolonging the inevitable. We'll see :-)


JTScraps17 said...

Hey there. I'm glad to hear that they are trying everything to help poor little Dagen. That is just awful to have to go through. This has just been a bad year for dogs..Veesha will be a year in March. I still can't believe she got so sick so fast. Anyway, I will be thinking of you guys and if there's anything I can do let me know.

Albanie said...

Oh, Sarah, I'm sooo sorry! I hope this med/kennel thing works! Poor guy! And poor you guys!