Monday, December 28, 2009
Christmas Saga
We had quite an "eventful" Christmas this year. The original plan for Christmas was to leave on December 23rd and travel to Sioux Falls, SD to spend it with my sister and her husband in their new house. Because there was a VERY large snowstorm coming we decided to leave a day early, so we drove up late on December 22nd. We got there just fine and were all settled in before the BIG storm hit. A few days before we left, Isaac started running a fever off and on. We didn't think too much of it since it wasn't consistent and there were no other symptoms. But once we got to Sioux Falls the fever got worse and worse. So, we decided we should take him to the doctor before it was Christmas Day and then we would have to take him to the ER. So, we took him to the doctor and found out he had pneumonia. The doctor gave him a shot of anti-biotics and we had to start giving him breathing treatments every 4 hours plus anti-biotics every day. The next two days it snowed, and snowed, and snowed; and Isaac's fever just kept getting worse and worse. The anti-biotics seemed to be doing nothing for him. So, on Christmas Day morning we took him into the ER. Thankfully, the doctor there said that because it was such a severe case of pneumonia it would take a few days before we started to see any improvement. So, we went ahead and had Christmas dinner and everything. It was hard to enjoy Christmas though with a kid that kept running a VERY high fever and kept throwing up because of all the flim in his throat. And then because it snowed for so long and so much (about 20" in Sioux Falls) we ended up staying 2 extra nights in Sioux Falls. After a VERY LONG week, we are finally home and all I can say is "Home, Sweet Home"!!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Funny Conversations.....
We have had several funny conversations with Isaac since Malachi was born. I've been writing them down but thought I should post them here. You should get a few laughs out of these...I know we did!!
1) On the way home from the hospital, Malachi was crying in his car seat. And Isaac leaned over and looked at him and said "Malachi! That's enough!". This came from times when Isaac was crying for no reason and we told him "That's enough!".
2) During another one of Malachi's first car rides, Isaac yelled "Mommy, Malachi's doing something!" We didn't know what was wrong so we pulled the car over to see. Malachi had just spit up a little but Isaac thought it was something bad wrong!!
3) After bringing Malachi home, we would sit and talk to him -- things like "I love you" or "What are you doing?". Or I would talk to Isaac and say things like "I love you" or "What are you doing?". After we would say things to either one of them, Isaac would then ask "Me? or Malachi?". If we told him we were talking to him he would then ask "Me? the talking one?". We don't know where he came up with "the talking one" but it was SOOOO funny!
4) Another thing Isaac has had a hard time grasping is that babies sleep ALOT! He always says "Malachi needs to wake's morning's not dark outside.... he needs to wake up!".
5) This one doesn't have anything to do with Malachi but I thought it was funny. We just bought a new vehicle. While we were looking, we had driven through one of the car dealerships. A few days later, we were driving on the street that goes in front of the car dealerships. Isaac said "Mommy? you remember we went and looked at those cars?" I said, "yes". Isaac -- "But you don't need a new already have a car. Daddy doesn't need a new car....he already has a car. I don't have a car....I NEED a new car!" I just about died laughing at that. So, we bought our new car....Jason traded his WRX in and was VERY sad about that! So, Isaac told me after that "I will buy daddy a new blue car and then he will be happy!" Too funny!
I could write pages and pages of the silly conversations we have with our 3 year old. It never ends. Even when we are having a bad day we can still laugh cuz he will say something like these things I have shared with you!
1) On the way home from the hospital, Malachi was crying in his car seat. And Isaac leaned over and looked at him and said "Malachi! That's enough!". This came from times when Isaac was crying for no reason and we told him "That's enough!".
2) During another one of Malachi's first car rides, Isaac yelled "Mommy, Malachi's doing something!" We didn't know what was wrong so we pulled the car over to see. Malachi had just spit up a little but Isaac thought it was something bad wrong!!
3) After bringing Malachi home, we would sit and talk to him -- things like "I love you" or "What are you doing?". Or I would talk to Isaac and say things like "I love you" or "What are you doing?". After we would say things to either one of them, Isaac would then ask "Me? or Malachi?". If we told him we were talking to him he would then ask "Me? the talking one?". We don't know where he came up with "the talking one" but it was SOOOO funny!
4) Another thing Isaac has had a hard time grasping is that babies sleep ALOT! He always says "Malachi needs to wake's morning's not dark outside.... he needs to wake up!".
5) This one doesn't have anything to do with Malachi but I thought it was funny. We just bought a new vehicle. While we were looking, we had driven through one of the car dealerships. A few days later, we were driving on the street that goes in front of the car dealerships. Isaac said "Mommy? you remember we went and looked at those cars?" I said, "yes". Isaac -- "But you don't need a new already have a car. Daddy doesn't need a new car....he already has a car. I don't have a car....I NEED a new car!" I just about died laughing at that. So, we bought our new car....Jason traded his WRX in and was VERY sad about that! So, Isaac told me after that "I will buy daddy a new blue car and then he will be happy!" Too funny!
I could write pages and pages of the silly conversations we have with our 3 year old. It never ends. Even when we are having a bad day we can still laugh cuz he will say something like these things I have shared with you!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Better late than never!!

I have not updated this blog in awhile. I guess I've been a little busy with the new baby....oh, I just realized....I never posted that we had the baby! So, yes, we had our new son, Malachi Jay, on September 2, 2009. He was 7lbs. 12oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. He is doing great. He is a good sleeper (so far). We hope and pray he stays this way. Isaac loves his little brother. He likes to help with everything....which can be good and bad!! When Malachi is sleeping, Isaac likes to lay next to him and talk to him. It is so cute! And then when we talk to one of them, Isaac always asks "Me or Malachi?". Then if we say "you" he says "me, the 'talking' one?". It is so funny!! It has been fun having two kids...and so far easier than people had me thinking it would be.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Air Force Cake
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Baby's name
After much deliberation I think we have finally agreed on the name for the baby. We have been set with Malachi as the first name since we found out we were having a boy but just could not agree on a middle name. We wanted something that was a family name -- Isaac has two family names so we figured this child needs at least one family name!! So, we talked and we talked and we talked some more but just could not agree on anything -- Malachi David, Malachi Henry, Malachi Jason, Malachi Lynn, Malachi Michael, and the list goes on. But the other day my suggested that we combine our two names and make a name for him but I thought that was kinda dumb at first -- what would it be?? Jarah?? Sason?? I thought that it was a dumb idea but the more I thought about it I came up with Jay. "J" for Jason and "ay" for my middle name Kay. So, I think it is official -- MALACHI JAY FRAZIER!!! I'm so glad the discussing is done!!!
We posted this on facebook just to see what ideas others had -- it is VERY funny reading everyone's ideas!!
We posted this on facebook just to see what ideas others had -- it is VERY funny reading everyone's ideas!!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
It's a Boy!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
"Beautiful" Dandelions

My mom showed Isaac a week or so ago to pick the Dandelions and to give them to mommy. It was so sweet -- now all he wants to do is go outside and pick Dandelions. We get our yard treated, so needless to say we don't have too many but on the day of these pictures I think he must have found every single one in our yard!! :-) And he came inside and told me "I picked one for each of my friends!". So, we had to take them to church that night to give to "each of his friends". Then when we got to church we saw Miranda (she is 9 years old) and I asked him if he was going to give one to her and he said "No, only to my little friends!". It was SOOOO funny!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Great dips for entertaining!
I was making a dip for my Creative Memories Workshop tonight and thought I would put up some good dip recipes that are great for when entertaining guests. The first one is the one I made for tonight.
Spinach Stadium Dip
(thanks to Karen Meyer)
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup sour cream
1 10 oz. pkg. frozen chopped spinach, well drained
1/2 cup chopped green onion
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
Mix...Chill...Serve...that simple!!
Great with veggies or sourdough bread. I buy the Melba snack bread and it's great on that too!
(thanks to my mom)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 Tblsp. balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup chopped onion
3 tomatoes chopped
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 cup mozzerella cheese
Mix all ingredients except cheese. Put on toasted bread and then top with cheese.
Sausage Dip (aka Evil Dip)
(thanks to Crystal Zavala)
1 pkg. Jimmy Dean sausage
2 cans Rotel tomatoes
2 pkgs. cream cheese
Mix all in a crockpot and let it cook down. Stir occasionally. Serve with tortilla chips. Beware: VERY ADDICTING!!
Layered Dip
1 pkg. cream cheese
tomato, onion, and green pepper -- chopped and mixed together
cheddar cheese
Spread cream cheese on plate. Then layer in this order -- veggie mix, salsa, and then cheese. Serve with tortilla chips.
Spinach Stadium Dip
(thanks to Karen Meyer)
1 cup mayonnaise
1 cup sour cream
1 10 oz. pkg. frozen chopped spinach, well drained
1/2 cup chopped green onion
1/2 cup chopped parsley
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. pepper
Mix...Chill...Serve...that simple!!
Great with veggies or sourdough bread. I buy the Melba snack bread and it's great on that too!
(thanks to my mom)
1/4 cup olive oil
1 Tblsp. balsamic vinegar
1/4 cup chopped onion
3 tomatoes chopped
1/3 cup chopped cilantro
1/4 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. pepper
1/4 cup mozzerella cheese
Mix all ingredients except cheese. Put on toasted bread and then top with cheese.
Sausage Dip (aka Evil Dip)
(thanks to Crystal Zavala)
1 pkg. Jimmy Dean sausage
2 cans Rotel tomatoes
2 pkgs. cream cheese
Mix all in a crockpot and let it cook down. Stir occasionally. Serve with tortilla chips. Beware: VERY ADDICTING!!
Layered Dip
1 pkg. cream cheese
tomato, onion, and green pepper -- chopped and mixed together
cheddar cheese
Spread cream cheese on plate. Then layer in this order -- veggie mix, salsa, and then cheese. Serve with tortilla chips.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Airplane Cake for Landon's 1st B-day!

The cake that I decorated for my nephew Landon's 1st birthday. It was really fun getting to make this. Here is the link where I found instructions how to make it. She has alot of neat other cake instructions also.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Decorating Easter Eggs
I know I have not been on here in a LONG time. There just hasn't been alot to write about. Our life is busy as usual but just nothing extremely exciting. I am now about 4 months into my pregnancy and everything is going good. I am past the nauseous stage and tired stage so I am VERY thankful for that. That has got to be the worst part of pregnancy. We have also had some trials in lives of people dear to us. Our Associate Pastor Doug Taylor found out his leukemia is back so that has definitely been a hard thing on our church and on my dad. But thank the Lord, Doug has been such an inspiration to all of us with how him and his family have dealt with this. It is an awesome thing to see God working with them and through them. They are such a blessing to our family!! My mom has also been have some health issues. The doctors so far can't find what's wrong but she knows something just hasn't been right. So, we pray the Lord will give the doctors wisdom to figure out what is going on. And then an older man in our church passed away last week. He was such a blessing to our church. One of these people that would do anything for anyone and not ever want recognition for his actions. Such a humble man -- he will be greatly missed. So, it has been busy but with stuff that is not always fun to write about. Pray for my parents right now -- they have had alot of stress lately and hopefully will soon get a break from it all!!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Just want to let everyone know (if you don't already) that we are expecting again. I am about 10 weeks along and we had our first ultrasound this morning. My doctor said everything is looking really good so I thought it would be okay to make the announcement official!! :-) And for those of you hoping I would have twins -- I'm sorry to disappoint you -- only one baby in there!! I am relieved though -- I was really hoping it was not twins. So, my prayers were answered!! We took Isaac with us to the ultrasound and he kept saying "her" so we'll see -- maybe he knows mores than we think!! :-)
Friday, February 6, 2009
Our little "Pirate" and his first dentist appointment

I haven't blogged in awhile. Since signing up for facebook, I'm on that all the time. So, my blog has kind of become forgotten!! But I wanted to put up some new pictures of Isaac. Some are of him and his pirate stuff -- he is totally into pirates right now. Jason and I always have to be "Captain Hook" and he gets to be "Peter Pan". Why are we the bad guy??
Then the rest of these pictures are of Isaac's first trip to the dentist. I just took him so he could kind of get use to the idea of the dentist. He did not like it very much. When we first got there, he was very excited. But then when he got in the chair, he was NOT happy!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009
Jason's Birthday

Jason's birthday was very fun with Isaac. I think he enjoyed more than Jason did. It was all he talked about all day. We went to the grocery store and he was SO worried that we would forget to buy daddy's birthday cake. Then he wanted to buy candles for the cake -- so we couldn't forget that. He must have told Jason "Happy Birthday, Daddy!" at least 50 times yesterday. I think Jason was starting to get tired of hearing it -- it was pretty funny. Then after we ate dinner, he wanted to eat "Happy Birthday Cake". But I told him we had to wait till after church -- everyone was coming over then. So, when we got home from church he kept saying "eat Happy Birthday cake". He was so funny yesterday. I do think Jason enjoyed his birthday. I made him what he wanted for dinner -- orange roughy, steamed carrots, and asparagus. It was a good dinner. And then I made him Jello Punch Cake. Since he is watching his diet, this cake he could eat -- not AS bad for you! After we had cake we played Mario Cart on the Wii -- it was funny watching everyone playing it. It was a fun night -- Happy Birthday, Honey!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Jason!
Today is my husband's birthday -- he is 27 -- he's catching up to me! :-) Birthdays are never a big deal to him but I try to make it a special day for him. I asked him what he wants for dinner -- he likes seafood and I hate seafood -- but he wants me to make fish so I guess I will since it is his birthday. And then I am making a cake and we are going to have our family and a couple of friends over after church tonight. I hope it is a good day for him!
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