We have had several funny conversations with Isaac since Malachi was born. I've been writing them down but thought I should post them here. You should get a few laughs out of these...I know we did!!
1) On the way home from the hospital, Malachi was crying in his car seat. And Isaac leaned over and looked at him and said "Malachi! That's enough!". This came from times when Isaac was crying for no reason and we told him "That's enough!".
2) During another one of Malachi's first car rides, Isaac yelled "Mommy, Malachi's doing something!" We didn't know what was wrong so we pulled the car over to see. Malachi had just spit up a little but Isaac thought it was something bad wrong!!
3) After bringing Malachi home, we would sit and talk to him -- things like "I love you" or "What are you doing?". Or I would talk to Isaac and say things like "I love you" or "What are you doing?". After we would say things to either one of them, Isaac would then ask "Me? or Malachi?". If we told him we were talking to him he would then ask "Me? the talking one?". We don't know where he came up with "the talking one" but it was SOOOO funny!
4) Another thing Isaac has had a hard time grasping is that babies sleep ALOT! He always says "Malachi needs to wake up...it's morning time...it's not dark outside.... he needs to wake up!".
5) This one doesn't have anything to do with Malachi but I thought it was funny. We just bought a new vehicle. While we were looking, we had driven through one of the car dealerships. A few days later, we were driving on the street that goes in front of the car dealerships. Isaac said "Mommy? you remember we went and looked at those cars?" I said, "yes". Isaac -- "But you don't need a new car...you already have a car. Daddy doesn't need a new car....he already has a car. I don't have a car....I NEED a new car!" I just about died laughing at that. So, we bought our new car....Jason traded his WRX in and was VERY sad about that! So, Isaac told me after that "I will buy daddy a new blue car and then he will be happy!" Too funny!
I could write pages and pages of the silly conversations we have with our 3 year old. It never ends. Even when we are having a bad day we can still laugh cuz he will say something like these things I have shared with you!
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