~~~~~ Jump ahead 4 years to the present ~~~~~
A conversation that took place tonight between the two of them (as best as I can remember it because Jill and I were laughing so hard through most of it).Ally: "Isaac says that I'm his girlfriend."
Me (sarcastically): "Isaac, you guys are too young to be talking about girlfriends and boyfriends. Ally is your good friend that is a girl, but not your girlfriend."
Isaac: "But I like Ally."
Me: "That's good that you like her, but she's not your girlfriend."
Isaac: "Yes, she's my girlfriend, cuz I like her."
Ally: "When we grow up we are going to get married."
Isaac to Ally: "But there is another girl that wants to marry me. Her name is Jocelyn."
Ally: "Well when we grow up we are going to get married. And I am going to get a wedding dress. And if she gets a wedding dress and tells you that she is going to marry you, you need to say something to her because I am going to marry you."
Isaac: "I am going to get a black suit and marry you."
At this point, Jill turns to me and says "I think it's time for us to go because we are going to be deciding on cakes soon if we don't break up this conversation!"
Ally: "Isaac, after we get married we have to get a house. We will have to build a house. And then we will sleep together."
And now Jill says to me "OK! We definitely need to go now!"

Isaac and Ally -- 1 year old

Isaac and Ally -- 3 years old
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