Jason's birthday was very fun with Isaac. I think he enjoyed more than Jason did. It was all he talked about all day. We went to the grocery store and he was SO worried that we would forget to buy daddy's birthday cake. Then he wanted to buy candles for the cake -- so we couldn't forget that. He must have told Jason "Happy Birthday, Daddy!" at least 50 times yesterday. I think Jason was starting to get tired of hearing it -- it was pretty funny. Then after we ate dinner, he wanted to eat "Happy Birthday Cake". But I told him we had to wait till after church -- everyone was coming over then. So, when we got home from church he kept saying "eat Happy Birthday cake". He was so funny yesterday. I do think Jason enjoyed his birthday. I made him what he wanted for dinner -- orange roughy, steamed carrots, and asparagus. It was a good dinner. And then I made him Jello Punch Cake. Since he is watching his diet, this cake he could eat -- not AS bad for you! After we had cake we played Mario Cart on the Wii -- it was funny watching everyone playing it. It was a fun night -- Happy Birthday, Honey!!