Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Last Day in my 20's :-(

So, today I am 29 -- tomorrow -- 30!! Aaaaaah!!
Tonight we had our church's Young Married's Get-together. They made a BIG chocolate chip cookie for me (thanks Arlene!!). It was really nice to be remembered. I am kinda dreading being 30 for some reason. Not really sure why -- just don't want to leave my 20's.
Then also today I went to check the mail and there was a letter returned addressed to Jason's sister Angela. So, I thought "What did we send out to Angela -- and why was it returned?" So, I started to open it and I saw "You're invited to a birthday..." and I thought "Oh no -- I just ruined something!" So, I called Jason and told him "I am soooooo sorry -- I didn't read anything else on it though!" So, not really sure what's happening or who all is invited but I do know something is happening. I felt so bad -- I wanted to cry -- because I knew he had worked so hard to plan this (which is not like him to plan stuff!!) and I just ruined it. I know how I would feel if something I was planning got ruined so I felt really bad. Oh, well!! What can you do? At least there will still be a little surprise. Thank you baby for planning it and I'm excited to see what happens!


Albanie said...

Oh man! That stinks, but how impressive! A man that planned a party all by himself!! Can't wait to hear about it on Friday! Isaac is so cute!

Arlene said...

Happy Birthday, Sarah! I'm sure 30 won't be as bad as you're thinking it is... of course, it's easy for me to say this while I still have a few years to go before reaching that milestone! :P

I'm glad you enjoyed your cookie "cake." And, I know you will enjoy your surprise, even if it's not a total surprise anymore!

JTScraps17 said...

Happy Birthday, man your getting old! All I want to say is welcome to the 30's club! It's not so bad really. Ok, so you are going to have to show me how to do more stuff on mine because I am having a hard time getting a slide show up and who knows what else I can't get it to do. Anyway, hope you have a GREAT birthday and don't worry about the surprise,it will still be fun. See ya tomorrow!:)

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm visiting from Arlene's blog.

Happy Birthday! I really dreaded my 30th birthday, but after the actual day was over everything was just fine.