So, we had been talking about marriage so I knew he was going to ask me eventually. He got his job at PayPal in February. And after he got his first paycheck, he bought the ring (I didn't know this at the time!). He kept giving me clues the whole week before, but I didn't have a "clue"! He told me things like "I have no money right now" but I knew he had just got paid. I didn't get it at all. So, on Saturday, he came into the salon and got a haircut right before the salon closed. When he was paying he told me he would give me my "tip" later. I thought he was just being goofy like normal. So, I just ignored him. After the haircut we went back to my parents house. I went into my room to freshen up my hair and makeup cuz we had a church activity that night with our College and Career class. While I was in my room, he was so nervous, cuz he knew he was about to ask me, that he dumped over a vase of flowers that my mom had on the coffee table. My parents knew he was getting ready to ask me, so my mom told him to go in my room and ask me. He came into my room and I asked him what he was doing. (He had never come in my room before). He told me he was coming to give me the "tip" for the haircut. I thought maybe he wanted to give me a kiss or something but I was a little freaked out since we were in my room. So, I continued at the mirror freshening up my hair and makeup. He told me to turn around so he could give me the "tip". I kept telling him no and to leave me alone. After he about drove me crazy, I finally turned around to find him down on one knee holding out a little white box. In my head I thought, "If that is not a ring, I'm going to KILL him". He opened the box and there was the ring and he asked me if I would marry him. I first asked if he had asked my dad, he said "Yes, I wouldn't be here if I hadn't." I asked him if my dad said yes, and again he said "YES, I wouldn't be here if he hadn't. " I then gave him a REALLY big hug and said "YES!" He then asked if he could put the ring on my finger.....I had almost forgot about the ring. "Yes, yes, put it on my finger!"