I have not updated this blog in awhile. I guess I've been a little busy with the new baby....oh, I just realized....I never posted that we had the baby! So, yes, we had our new son, Malachi Jay, on September 2, 2009. He was 7lbs. 12oz. and 20 1/2 inches long. He is doing great. He is a good sleeper (so far). We hope and pray he stays this way. Isaac loves his little brother. He likes to help with everything....which can be good and bad!! When Malachi is sleeping, Isaac likes to lay next to him and talk to him. It is so cute! And then when we talk to one of them, Isaac always asks "Me or Malachi?". Then if we say "you" he says "me, the 'talking' one?". It is so funny!! It has been fun having two kids...and so far easier than people had me thinking it would be.