I know I have not been on here in a LONG time. There just hasn't been alot to write about. Our life is busy as usual but just nothing extremely exciting. I am now about 4 months into my pregnancy and everything is going good. I am past the nauseous stage and tired stage so I am VERY thankful for that. That has got to be the worst part of pregnancy. We have also had some trials in lives of people dear to us. Our Associate Pastor Doug Taylor found out his leukemia is back so that has definitely been a hard thing on our church and on my dad. But thank the Lord, Doug has been such an inspiration to all of us with how him and his family have dealt with this. It is an awesome thing to see God working with them and through them. They are such a blessing to our family!! My mom has also been have some health issues. The doctors so far can't find what's wrong but she knows something just hasn't been right. So, we pray the Lord will give the doctors wisdom to figure out what is going on. And then an older man in our church passed away last week. He was such a blessing to our church. One of these people that would do anything for anyone and not ever want recognition for his actions. Such a humble man -- he will be greatly missed. So, it has been busy but with stuff that is not always fun to write about. Pray for my parents right now -- they have had alot of stress lately and hopefully will soon get a break from it all!!