Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Just want to let everyone know (if you don't already) that we are expecting again. I am about 10 weeks along and we had our first ultrasound this morning. My doctor said everything is looking really good so I thought it would be okay to make the announcement official!! :-) And for those of you hoping I would have twins -- I'm sorry to disappoint you -- only one baby in there!! I am relieved though -- I was really hoping it was not twins. So, my prayers were answered!! We took Isaac with us to the ultrasound and he kept saying "her" so we'll see -- maybe he knows mores than we think!! :-)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Our little "Pirate" and his first dentist appointment

I haven't blogged in awhile. Since signing up for facebook, I'm on that all the time. So, my blog has kind of become forgotten!! But I wanted to put up some new pictures of Isaac. Some are of him and his pirate stuff -- he is totally into pirates right now. Jason and I always have to be "Captain Hook" and he gets to be "Peter Pan". Why are we the bad guy??

Then the rest of these pictures are of Isaac's first trip to the dentist. I just took him so he could kind of get use to the idea of the dentist. He did not like it very much. When we first got there, he was very excited. But then when he got in the chair, he was NOT happy!!